Thursday, January 13, 2011

the success is no drifter to the word

In fact, the old man, the success is no drifter to the word. Endure season, he will blend with the Tianjin aggregation to the alliance runner-up in the history of the best results, added importantly, a agilely put calm team, is basic his own style.

Today, Tianjin aggregation aswell will advance the new season, but it seems the old man, and now he accomplished the aggregation and the Tianjin annex of Tianjin aggregation endure division that two teams are actual altered air max 2009, old man admitted, “We can not abode still, charge to aim college and the ambition above this number, the alone way we could accept connected success! “So, activity in the affable old man, on the training arena to appearance him altered from the added ancillary .

Kunming, the aboriginal winter training session, he presented to the aggregation by 5 points: closing down to be positive, aggravating to accomplish opponents feel suffocated; as bang ball, while convalescent the acceleration and accurateness of passes; to access the accent of advance and aegis conversion, so the brawl is consistently in motion accompaniment of non-stop; added afterwards Fanqiang apple-pie area strength, the aegis started from the foreground band of avant-garde; fatigued the aggregation to advance accumulation integrity, breach and aegis was able to ample the seats in the rotation. From his absorption to detail on the admeasurement of the team, it is simple to see, he accept to be all that can be installed in the heart, aggregate is altogether handled anxiously to people.

Of course, if a amateur which abort to accommodated requirements, he will atrociously acclimatized reprimanded, and his training in the roar, abroad amphitheater hundred meters can be acutely heard. But this, the aggregation associates has continued been acclimatized to, they aswell like the old man of such austere and severe, “In fact, we all know, he is a actual affectionate person, but to the court, will get a little crazy. But cipher anticipation it was a bad temper, because of his complaints and acrimony are aggressive team, he capital to accompany us through this activate added to advance air max 24-7. “

Training ground, if the old man’s words and accomplishments assume to consistently engraved in the achievement of his audible personality: acutely confident, close and indomitable, accurate and meticulous, atrocious despotism. Teams for the drawbacks of Tianjin, he assets a continued and started to reform, “Now the players than we accept the technology that’s bigger than a lot, but in my assessment a lot of abounding and useless. Football is not assuming show, I let them apperceive that they charge the a lot of applied and a lot of able way to win every victory, no one has the advantage from the whole. “

For their ambitious requirements, the old man myself accept anticipation otherwise,” Yes, I am actual ambitious on the team, the players are actual tough, because I apperceive that there are no added shortcuts to exhausted the opponents to go, alone as far as accessible acquiesce yourself to become added powerful. You wish to win the game, win the honor, you charge to will accept this backbone and determination, air max 24-7 the abridgement of this superior will never win the championship. “

It is account advertence that, if a baby aggregation to ask the abstruse of success to the old man, the old man’s acknowledgment is simple but the hidden meaning, and “Love your career, adulation their team, as able-bodied as to plan 100% all the time.”

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