Monday, December 13, 2010

NBA shoes show: Le Bule and Wade first show three "veterans Day" War shoes

Yesterday, the U.S. annual "Veterans Day", people in various ways in commemoration of the heroes of previous wars. While many people through Twitter (Twitter) and Facebook (Facebook) Web site each channel greetings, the Miami Heat's Dwyane • Wade (Dwyane Wade) and LeBron • James (LeBron James) then showed the war to show their shoes celebrate. Today's "stadium situation" section, immediately return to us two major superstar exciting the "veterans Day" sneaker show.
The campaign lost to the Boston Celtics, LeBron James brought the much anticipated • "Veterans Day / Veterans Day" Nike LeBron 8 shocking debut, in the past few months, the various rumors about the shoes already uproar, but Until yesterday, we know exactly what it is designed to meet the "Veterans Day" and specially built. NIKE company reported in November 24, 2010 the formal launch of this war shoes. The other hand, Jordan Brand (Jordan Brand) was from the Chicago native Dwyane Wade • carefully prepared two special red / white / blue Air Jordan 2010, of which the whole first white Air Max TN, and with navy blue lining and red dotted in the foot, while the second only to Air Jordan 2010 and end in the large windows on the upper edge and piping, and other places against the background decorated with sea blue hue. Unfortunately we will not know when these two shoes, and even Wade could combat public, is no regret. The following is the king shoes, NBA front-line war reporter from the field and sent back the first time Watch an exclusive report, you will also enjoy • Kobe Bryant (Kobe Bryant), Cameron • Anthony (Carmelo Anthony), Derek • Ross (Derrick Rose), Monta • Ellis (Monta Ellis), and many other basketball shoes superstar fighting style.

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